Bumbershoot Seattle!

They say a bumbershoot is an old-fashioned term for umbrella. i have been in Seattle just over two days, and no rain yet! Haven't seen too many flannel shirts either. Good thing I guess, it's incredibly hot.

Today i had my ears rocked off consecutively by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club & Kings of Leon. It was epic. Completely awe-inspiring. I shall post photos soon. It warmed my heart to see the bass player of KOL sporting a nice bit of pounamu around his neck.

Yesterday was the first day of the festival. Highlights were Magnolia Electric Co. - an immediate new favourite, I recommend you all go get their album right now. Other favourites were Grand Archives - think Wilco with Beach Boys harmonies, and Tiny Vipers - tempted to compare her with Cat Power, or early Bjork, but she is something unique; very, very beautiful sound. Also, The Shins doing Pink Floyd's 'Breathe' was cool. Rosie Thomas had cancelled at the last minute, which was a bummer, but was replaced by a just-as-lovely lass whose name I have forgotten. And The Gourds are perhaps the ugliest band I've ever seen on a stage. But boy they were fun. You'll see what I mean when I post photos. Yesterday started quite nicely actually, with Crowded House, and Liam Finn was on the acoustic! Neil said something about Piha which got a few woops from somewhere in the crowd. I walked away when they started playing 'Don't Dream it's Over'.

Today started with North Twin, another cool rockabilly act, after which I headed down to mainstage for BRMC, who ignited a fiery passion in me for loud loud blues, which I intend to pursue this Summer. Their bass player was like lou barlow - playing full chords - and he had a meeaan pair of Wayfarers on. KOL soon followed, and I was up the front! Strangely enough I soon realised I was one of the few people there with a height of 6', and one of the few males..

The lead chap from Gomez whose name I have temporarily forgotten did an excellent show, including a cover of Supertramp's "Breakfast in America'. I haven't heard much Gomez but this was truly sweet pop music. Andrew Bird followed, and I didn't expect such a show. There were three guys playing, but it sounded like an orchestra. Bird can whistle like no human I've heard to this day. And I've never heard such sounds come from a violin as the beautiful noise he made. They did it all using loop recording pedals, so it was like electro-folk-pop. Anyway, it was so good I skipped Devendra Banhart as I had been fulfilled, and tomorrow I shall go to buy both Andrew Bird's albums.

Tomorrow, Steve Earle, Miranda July, and.... Wu Tang Clan!

Right now I'm just spewing out what I've done, but I do hope to write some more literate reviews on the shows I've seen. We'll see how it goes.